I had a ’sleep doctor‘ tell me how to structure my entire day — and I’ve never felt more energized

I am, as you probably are too, a sucker for „daily routine“ stories.

There’s something weirdly satisfying about knowing what time someone else wakes up, what time they eat an apple, and how long they wait between eating the apple and working out – especially if that someone is famous and successful.

Forget working hard and displaying grit – I’m going to eat an apple every day at 4 p.m. and be famous and successful, too! It’s the ultimate life hack.

Neugierig? Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr

Kennt ihr euren Schlaftyp? Bär? Wolf, Löwe oder doch der Delfin? Wisst ihr wann euch die erste Tasse Kaffee den größten Schub gibt? Über diesen Link findet ihr es heraus.


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